December 17, 2006

A First

We added our last cat to the family over ten years ago. Chester, the gray and white cat had been abandoned in the neighborhood. His adventures as a stray are another story but he has been ever grateful to Stacey for rescuing and adopting him. Smokey and Grace had been adopted from the animal shelter about a year before him and the three mostly co-exist in the house, though occasionally there are alliances.

A couple of days ago, Kathleen called me to the living room. When I got there I saw that all three cats were together on the love seat. A week ago, when we got the tree, I had to move the love seat to another place. It has a slipcover and I decided that I would wrap the seat coushins in some foam to improve its appearance. We don't know if it's the new location or the new padding, but the old love seat is the cats' favorite napping spot. There are often two of them on it, one on each side.

Three though, I think that's a first, ever. I ran to get a camera. Kathleen helped me try to get some lighting without disturbing them. Eventually Smokey jumped down. Kathleen scooped her back up and put her on the couch again and the three settled into this pose.

I grouch about having cats sometimes (or a lot) but really they are another part of our family. I liked this picture so much that I framed it and put it next to their couch.

1 comment:

Grace said...

The picture of the kitties is absolutely stunning, and the family stories are wonderful! It sounds like a family I would really like to know! Thank you so much for sharing.