October 15, 2006

It rained through the night. I would wake up, hear the rain, say a prayer it cleared by morning, and fall back asleep. Then in the morning, I woke up again and started to roll back over to sleep some more. But I got that gentle, subtle nudge to go ahead and walk the dogs. So, I quickly got dressed, put on shoes, set the coffee machine and took the dogs out.

It was a great morning. Not even a sprinkle was falling though everything was damp. It was cool but not too cool. Just perfect for walking. The dogs and I enjoyed it very much.

As we reached the end of our walk and were waiting to cross the street I felt the first drop of rain and could hear the approaching downpour. We quick stepped it across the street and onto our porch, just as the rain came crashing down behind us. It was fairly dramatic.


It was one of those little but powerful things that remind me all the time, that help abounds as long as I listen for it. It would have been just as easy to go back to sleep and miss out on the perfect opportunity to get the dogs out for their walk.

So, this morning, Millie, Riley, and I are all very happy.

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